Who are we ?

The start of Caldi in France

The CALDIMEX® Company was created in 2021 by the will of a Marseillais of Sicilian and Maltese origins and who lived in Tunis. The family history of the catering trade began in 1970 in Marseille as soon as the Patriarche opened his first store, a bakery and pastry shop in the Rose district. I myself took up the torch in 2001 in the Saint-Loup district.. At the time I was working the Sicilian biscuit in the Bush “Cannoli” then very quickly the customers asked me to make the famous “Caldi”. Caldi ”in order to complete the range of these exceptional merchandise that was not easily found elsewhere, if at all.

This is what I did from 2012. It was then that I met one of Monsieur Louis' merchants explaining to me all the talent and work of his former boss, Rue Pollack in an old district of Marseille …

« "It has imposed itmself on me throughout my professional career" … »…

Where does the slogan come from: "Caldi Caldi"?

It was Louis DARMANIN who was the first to launch the CALDIs in our beautiful city. I give thanks to this gentleman for making the Marseillais happy! The traveling merchant explained to me that he left with his cart at the corner of La Canetière in front of the jewelry store at "Piery" or sometimes elsewhere, walking the streets of the city ... to sell the famous "Caldi!" Caldi! "Hot, hot! ... Those who knew this era remember it and can attest to the enthusiasm for this product with its exceptional recipe.

New to come

What’s next?

Unfortunately, the story has died out and the sequel could not possibly be repeated. It was therefore natural to formalize the desire to distribute the famous Caldi Caldi in France.

Where are you today?

Dozens of partners, resellers, many projects in progress, daily talks to offer this Maltese specialty to as many people as possible, always seeking superior quality and unparalleled authenticity.

Every day a challenge to take up!

This is only the beginning of the adventure! CALDIMEX ® is launching with lots of ambitions! To benefit as many people as possible. Our goal is to be able to offer you the best quality Caldi Caldi everywhere, with all the varieties you might find in Malta with your friends, in the evening or as an impromptu meal and even at tea time. And for that the best is in front of us but we are convinced that you will appreciate it and that you will adopt it.

The start of an adventure

I will meet you every year with pleasurein order to share with you the taste of the authentic Caldi «Le feuilleté unique»

From Malta to Marseille to give you the best